Tag: Ultra Racing
European Time Attack Masters & NL Time Attack Finals – Zandvoort OKT 2013 – Showoff Imports
by Ronald on Oct.08, 2013, under General, Media, Race events
Wow! What a weekend!
Team Showoff Imports nailed it! 3 trophy’s for our www.projectdc5.com Integra Type R!
It was a well packed event named Syntix Speed masters on Zandvoort that hosted 2 other events that we came for: The finals of the Dutch Time Attack series 2013 and the first ever edition of the European Time Attack Masters!
Lets start with the results for racedriver Ronald Gosens and our team:
- 1st Place European Time Attack Masters (NA Class).
- 1st Place of the day – Dutch Time Attack (Super Pro Class).
- 2nd Place of the season – Dutch Time Attack (super Pro Class)
Click ‘continue reading’ for a full coverage of this event including more pictures!
(continue reading…)
Brakes & Front Arms Installed
by Ronald on Feb.20, 2011, under Garage
We installed these parts some weeks ago, but since the wheels were mounted as well, we could not take pictures of it. But now we could! You can also see the Buddyclub P1 Roll Centers and the Ultra Racing Swaybar with Hardrace endlinks.